Godrej Neopolis pre-launch prices start from Rs 2.8 crores. The project offers a world-class housing experience at base prices between Rs. 8,000 - 10,000 per square foot. It is smartly priced to suit investors' budgets. While on average, the Flat prices in Kokapet, Hyderabad, are in the range of Rs 8700-11500 per square foot (sq ft). Land rates in Kokapet, Hyderabad are around Rs 9100-19150 per square foot.
The documents of Godrej Neopolis, including the cost sheet, price list, and payment schedule, are attached for the buyer’s easy reference. The project has striking launch price offers and easy payment plans based on the size of the houses chosen by the buyers. The builders of Godrej Neopolis, Godrej Properties, help buyers by providing luxurious residential apartments at an affordable price with a flexible payment plan.
Configuration Type | Super Built Up Area Approx* | Price |
3 BHK Apartments | 3500 sq ft | Rs. ₹2.8 Crores * |
4 BHK Apartments | 4000 sq ft | Rs. ₹4 Crores* |
The project features extravagant 3,4 BHK apartments to suit various sizes and budgets. The price of the units is based on the location of the tower, size, and design of the apartments. Based on the floor, tower rise charges will be added, and if the units face any amenities, amenity-facing charges will also be added.
The detailed price list is given, and buyers can select the units they wish to buy according to their budget. Godrej Properties has a good track record for the timely delivery of projects. Godrej Neopolis will be completed on time (Nov 2028) on the given possession date, as promised to the buyers.
Kokapet is a fast-developing locality of Hyderabad with good connectivity to major IT cluster areas like Gachibowli and the Financial District. Due to the area’s alignment with the well-known IT hubs of Hyderabad, the area witnessed a fast development, which triggered the growth of the real estate market. Godrej Properties will investigate the recent market trends in the Kokapet real estate market before fixing the price for this project.
As Godrej Neopolis is still in the prelaunch stage, the final price list will be revealed on the launch date. During this phase, buyers can reserve their dream house at an alluring price of Rs.12,000 per sq ft. Bookings are open for Godrej Neopolis prelaunch now, and buyers can start booking their desired apartments.
Kokapet is a neighborhood in the West part of Hyderabad. Due to its proximity to the IT hubs of the Financial District, it is fast developing. The real estate market in Kokapet is now flourishing, with a rising demand for properties. Kokapet is an eccentric location for buying a high-end home. Hyderabad’s Kokapet location is an ideal location for buying a house as it is near the airport, and the prices are competitive here.
The price of a 1BHK apartment in Kokapet ranges from Rs. 40 Lakhs. The price of a luxury 1 BHK apartment with all modern features in Kokapet ranges from Rs. 60 Lakhs. The price of rental properties in Kokapet starts from Rs.16,000 for a 1 BHK apartment. Prices are increasing fast in Kokapet and it is the best choice to invest as the prices will increase further at a later stage.
Hyderabad has seen significant infrastructure development, including improved connectivity, new metro lines, and growing transport networks. The city is well-known as an IT capital for the country's software industry. Certain areas have become desirable for real estate investment due to the rapid developments, which led to the rise in the price of real estate.
One of the reasons why the real estate market in Hyderabad is the ideal opportunity is the presence of robust infrastructure. With a rapidly growing economy, the city has emerged as one of the fastest-growing cities, and this trend will endure in the future.
Hyderabad's expanding population and increased migration rate have led to a demand for residential houses. With various leisure options and IT hubs, it is a desirable location for people of all ages. Due to the demand, numerous residential projects are constructed and buyers can pick from a range of housing alternatives in this city. Some best places in Hyderabad to invest in apartments include
The size and the location of the houses determine the prices. The price of 1 BHK apartment in Hyderabad starts from Rs.40 lakhs. The price of a luxury 1 BHK apartment with all modern features in Hyderabad starts from Rs. 65 Lakhs. The rental price of 1 BHK apartment in Hyderabad starts from Rs.15,000.
A payment plan provides complete information on the cost of the apartment, including the price depending on the type of apartment, agreement cost, floor, GST, initial booking amount, and the amount to be paid each month in installments. It provides a brief explanation of the full payment procedure.
Godrej Neopolis Payment Plan offers buyers an easy payment plan that allows them to pay in risk-free installments. When booking, 10% of the entire amount will be deducted from the buyers. Quarters will be allocated to the remaining balance upon the receipt of payment. The base price will not include extra fees such as registration charges and stamp duty charges.
The project offers numerous payment options that include personalized payment plans, down payments, plans tied with construction, and paying a portion with nothing till possession. The builder will decide the plans with the bank and will select the best plan for buyers.
The payment plan of Godrej Neopolis includes the following schedules:
Hyderabad's residential real estate market is in demand and is the greatest place for buyers and sellers to invest in real estate projects. The growing demand for micro markets, and the development of infrastructure results in the fast growth of the real estate sector.
Because of fast-growing IT hubs, the real estate market is in high demand. The property rates differ and are low in outskirts that start from Rs 5,000 per sq ft in areas like Kollur, Boduppal, etc. In contrast, the property prices go up to Rs. 10,500 per sq ft in posh areas like Gachibowli, Kokapet, etc. Numerous investment choices are available here, and the cost varies according to area.
The average price of properties in some major locations in Hyderabad are as follows,
Location | Price |
Begumpet | Rs. 8200/sq. ft. |
Gachibowli | Rs. 10500/sq. ft. |
Manikonda | Rs. 6000/sq. ft. |
Kondapur | Rs. 7,800/sq. ft. |
Hitech City | Rs. 11,500/sq. ft. |
Madhapur | Rs.12,500/sq. ft. |
Banjara Hills | Rs. 14000/sq. ft. |
Chandanagar | Rs. 6,500/sq. ft. |
Kokapet | Rs. 10500/sq. ft. |
Narsingi | Rs. 9150/sq. ft. |
Moti Nagar | Rs. 9500/sq. ft. |
Rajendra Nagar | Rs. 7500/sq. ft. |
Hyderabad's real estate market is expected to increase further in 2024 due to numerous factors, such as job opportunities and rapid economic growth. So, investing in any property in this city is the best option as it will give a good ROI later.
Kokapet, in West Hyderabad, is one of the important hotspots of Hyderabad, now with the introduction of the IT hubs nearby. The area has good road transport and metro connectivity, too. It results in an increased price, and the area is best for investment now. Kokapet residential real estate market is growing is growing exponentially, and prices are expected to rise by 3%. It is a good time for buyers to invest in the Kokapet real estate market as the city is witnessing fast growth.
The average price of properties in Kokapet is Rs. 12,000 per sq ft. The price of a 2BHK apartment in Kokapet starts from Rs. 60 Lakhs. A 2 BHK luxury apartment in Kokapet with modern features ranging from Rs.80 Lakhs. The rental properties in Kokapet start from Rs.20,000 for a 2 BHK apartment
The cost sheet is a precise document for estimating a property's cost as it shows the price of each configuration in detail. The cost sheet of Godrej Neopolis has not been released as it is in the pre-launch phase. Buyers can make better financial decisions based on the data provided in the cost sheet.
Godrej Neopolis's cost sheet provides complete details of
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